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Ronnell Richards

Success isn’t a talent, it’s a skill ‐ one that can be taught. My unique combination of motivation, experience, communication, ambition, and vision has pushed several companies to overwhelming heights. 

Ronnell Richards Sales Coach

My journey into Sales and Entrepreneurship started at a very young age. While other kids were playing video games, I was learning how to create marketing pieces and balance checkbooks in my parent's businesses. This is where I learned my earliest lessons on intention and focus on outcomes, which have fueled my success and influenced everything I do in business.

Fast forward to today, I have a career that has spanned two decades. Over that time, I've built successful companies from the ground up. Through that process, I learned to be skillful in all areas of business development and growth. Resourcefulness is in my DNA, and now I help others reach their goals and dreams by bringing my practical yet out-of-the-box approach to business and sales. I take the road less traveled because that's the one that leads to success.

“This guy is the real deal. Ronnell not only has plenty of experience in the fields of sales and entrepreneurship, but he is a genuine dude.”

Michael Maher, CIO, Cartology

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